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Are you student? This is of interest to you. Discover what we have for you

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Bring your friends to Livensa and earn money!

For every friend you bring to Livensa Living, both of you get €100 each in Amazon Vouchers.
You can bring as many friends as you want—no limits!

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Want to travel with Livensa?

As a Livenser, take advantage of Livensa Traveller and explore all the cities where Livensa Living has residences and accommodations in Spain and Portugal. Time to start packing!

For more information, ask at reception.

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Discover Livensa Living’s partnership with REAJ!

REAJ and Livensa Living have teamed up to bring incredible deals to our Livensers. With your REAJ Hosteller Card, you can stay at their hostels at the best rates and enjoy lots of discounts and promotions.

Keep an eye on our social media for all our discounts!